40 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL Workout | NORMAL SETS & COMPLEX SETS | Strength + Metabolic Conditioning
In this 40 Min FULL BODY DUMBBELL Workout | NORMAL SETS & COMPLEX SETS | Strength Metabolic Conditioning , we will have two blocks of workout, each block with 10 normal sets (45 seconds work 20 seconds rest) and 3x complex sets for 150 and 180 seconds long. During the complex sets you try to complete as many rounds as possible as long as you are doing the exercises with a proper form.
Let’s Go!
The dumbbells that I am using are:
2x18kg (Red color on the screen)
2x10kg (yellow color on the screen)
2x5kg (Green color on the screen)
The Gear that I am using:
You can Simply increase the intensity of this workout by using heavier dumbbells.
Please make sure to do a proper warming up before starting the workout:
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