The Four Figure Skating Turns (3-Turns, Brackets, Counters & Rockers)

Keep getting confused when it comes to 4 figure skating steps? Then here is something that is going to help! ►► A brief description and breakdown on 3-turns, brackets, counters & rockers. Download our FREE “The four turns, every figure skater must know“ Guide → Whether you’re just starting out, or have been skating for a while, learning all the figure skating turns can be quite confusing! You have 3-turns, brackets, counters and rockers. Not to mention they can all be done, forwards and backwards, inside edge and outside edge, as well as left foot and right foot. How confusing is that! Well not to worry, because in this lesson we have broken down all the turns for a quick reference guide so you can easily start to get them all memorised. This lesson will be great for skaters and coaches of all levels who are using these turns on a daily basis. Or those skaters who are ready to step up and ready to challenge their skating skills and begin learn new difficult turns. In this lesson you’ll learn: - The 4 types of figure skating turns - Simple tips and tricks to remember when doing these turns - The key points that we use to help us remember which turns are which. Happy Skating! - Mitch & Stacey
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