Military pageant at Madrid (1920)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Spanish King Alfonso XIII attends military pageant at Madrid Full Description: SPAIN: Madrid: EXT LS King Alfonso and others stand on grandstand looking out. Alfonso XIII, pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, Spanish Army, Royalists SV troops march 2 by 2 under flag held by officer towards parade ground. pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, stadium, formation, review, inspection, Spanish Army GVs troops parade. pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, stadium, soldiers, formation, parade, Spanish Army SV King Alfonso and others on grandstand looking on. Alfonso XIII, pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, review, Spanish Army LS people sitting down to meal at tables laid alongside parade ground. pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, stadium, picnic, outdoor dining SV Royal Party pose. Alfonso XIII, pageant, ceremony, dignitaries, Spanish Army Background: Spanish King Alfonso X
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