One of the most misunderstood books is the book of Revelation originally called the Apocalypse which means to reveal. With so much going on at such a fast pace can we clearly understood what is going on and align it with the prophetic calendar without becoming too extreme. This study will teach you how to study the laws of prophetic interpretation and will humbly correct errors that are in the popular schools of prophetic interpretation. The narrator is very aware that there are a lot of things that will go over your head if you are not a diligent student of prophecy or if you do not have a sincere desire for Christ but he hopes that the study will at least give you a clearer insight into passages that are very misunderstood.
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4 weeks ago 01:14:58 1
Full movie in English | A quiet village becomes the epicenter of horror | sci-fi, Apocalypse 💥
1 month ago 00:04:22 1
Враги сожгли родную хату (The enemies burnt down his hut) - Хор Сретенского монастыря