MILLHAVEN - Complete Mapleshade MAP

Millhaven is a part of a spooky-themed MAPathon!!! Check out the rest of its MAPs here: After nearly 2 years of making, Millhaven is done and I couldn’t possibly be happier with the final outcome! The participants did a truly incredible job with their parts and it’s thanks to them that this idea of mine could have been brought to life. I am also really thankful for all the recognition this MAP has gotten over all those months and for all the support I myself have gotten regarding it - it still feels like a dream come true ♥ We can all now finally sit back and watch the finished project, enjo...y! the fantastic thumbnail was made by HarvestBrook: Patricipants: 1. robb 2. flittermousii 3. Ksedehery sniiovy 4. SilverThistle 5. kaacebo 6. darkpurplx 7. Featherflight55 OwO 8. Ksedehery (link above) Fennexx 9. me;) 10. vamvaki 11. Clover Draws 12. Rikia 13. middlerain 14. livsteas 15. PyreBlaze 16. Cat Frost 17. Emi Lavoie 18. Maranio 19. Goddess Fenrir 20. Cheeteh Z Louixie MANCHKIN! 21. kaacebo (link above) 22. Aruxi27 23. Sagutoyas 24. CvtPunk wvlfsbane 25. CryptidInTheCloset Aspen Shadow SplashDreamms 26. CryptidInTheCloset & Aspen Shadow & SplashDreamms (links above) 27. Lady Callow 28. tiger light 29. deersnapx Mishi 30. Amelia B 31. CTAKAN 32. Marinin GildedPhD GreatSylveon 2007 TinyWiny Demi m0n outro: also me hehe Song: Translation to English used: ,katarzyna_groniec, ( the subtitles will be added in the upcoming days, thank you for understanding) Old TV effect used as an overlay at the beginning and at the ened (C) scarpvfx: Designs (C) me Warrior Cats (C) Erin Hunter
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