Bakery work with sourdough in France〈Ecole -SAVOYARDE 〉| the long-established bakery with stone oven

La Boutique SavoyardeLa Boutique Savoyarde The long-established bakery with homemade sourdough. They have made bread with organic wheat and ingredients in a stone oven since 1976. The bakery uses about 1,000 tons of wheat in one year and wholesale to organic supermarkets and restaurants, mainly in Eastern France. In France, the additional % yeast is allowed to even bread called natural leaven bread (pain au levain), and there is no obligation to label it. However, this bakery does not add yeast at all, so this bread is called pain au levain naturel. Natural Fermentation: To ferment the bread dough, they do not use a temperature-controlled chamber. Instead of that, they control the temperature in the room by bringing in the outside air and the air from the room where the wood oven is located. They try to keep the room temperature at an average of 24 degrees. Also, since the condition of the bread dough changes depending on the temperature and humidity of the day, the amou
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