How to make a GREAT movie mashup | Edit Tutorial

In this tutorial video I teach my perfect method and edit process for making a great movie mashup video from your favourite Hollywood films! Some of my previous successful mashups include “Wes Anderson’s The Shining“ AKA “The Grand Overlook Hotel,“ “Jame Bond blowing up the Death Star“ and “James Bond Daniel Craig Vs Pierce Brosnan Card Game“. You can see them all in my Mashups playlist. A movie mashup video is normally combining similar shots from different films to give the impression that they are all part of the same story. This is usually done to create comedy as you have combined elements that didn’t belong together to create a new meaning. Other mashup styles editing examples include creating a recut of a classic film to change its genre, e.g. from comedy to horror (Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is a popular one for this), horror to romantic comedy (The Shining, The Silence of the Lambs and many more). Mashups can be a g
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