FANFICTASIA - Penultimategame Pt 1 - TOON SANDWICH

Fanfictasia is at WAR! Every Hero vs every Villain - MARVEL, DC, STAR WARS, HARRY POTTER... - fighting against each other for the very first time! (In this series at least). Will Harley Quinn and Deadpool get the present versions of their future-assassin children back? Did Hela and Thor miss a critical clue in their investigation? Is there more to this murder mystery than meets the eye? (It sounds like I’m throwing suspicion on the Transformers but I’m not). (Or am I...?) Prime yourself for optimum fanfiction crossover shenanigans! This video is part of our SUPER-HERO-BOWL / SUPER-VILLAIN-BOWL / SUPER-SHOWDOWN-BOWL / FANFICTASIA Saga! 😎😈🔱🌋 - the Ultimate Battles and Worlds where any character is possible! Check the full playlist and make sure you’ve seen each part: ▶️ 🔎 HIDDEN BREADCRUMBS! Can you find 5 SUPER MARIO OBJECT
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