【MMD MV】Gimme×Gimme - Hatsune Miku ・Kagamine Rin (English / Romaji Sub)

This song is hype! Gotta make it with rin and miku! (* ̄▽ ̄)b I wanna focus at dance hehehe Basically this song is about rin and miku wanna hang out together in weekend night but somehow “he“(gonna make len cause y not?) call miku that he at her front house to make dinner together( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (wut? I need to find a reason why he visit her (∩ᄑ_ᄑ)⊃ ) I hope u like the video! Title :【MMD PV / MV】Gimme×Gimme - Hatsune Miku ・Kagamine Rin (English / Romaji Sub)【初音ミク ・鏡音リン】Vocaloid 5 Cover (V4X Cover) Full Song So
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