A live-action adaptation of Yu Yu Hakusho 10 years after the series ends. Yusuke and Hiei reunite for a little warm up fight.
@ToruUchikado and I Teamed up again to bring Yu Yu Hakusho to life. We were fortunate enough to loosely partner with Netflix Japan on this project and met up with the Netflix Japan team! Find out more in Toru’s video here -
Thank you Peter Sudarso for being the perfect Yusuke.
Directed/Edited/shot/action design by
Josh Mabie
Yusuke/Concept by
Toru Uchikado
Peter Sudarso
Stunt Coordinator
Christopher Troy
B-Cam/Yusuke Double
Kaiser Tin-U
Hiei Double
...and Rabanal
Vfx by
Edward Fanning and Josh Mabie
Special Thanks
Mari Nomura
Isabella Miller
Arthur Mok
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