Create an Indiana Jones Map in After Effects (NO PLUGINS)
This tutorial belongs in a museum.
Learn how to create and animate an Indiana Jones style map in Adobe After Effects.
Get the project files on Patreon! -
GEOlayers 3 MasterClass -
0:40 Find a Map
1:57 Continuously Rasterize
2:39 Change to Color
3:23 Draw the Route
4:55 Create Nulls from Paths
6:46 Camera Control Null
9:40 Setup the Camera
12:16 Add a Texture
13:57 Add Labels
16:10 Final Animation
Maps by Free Vector Maps -
Texture image by Rawpixel on Freepik - #query=old paper texture&position=2&from_view=search&track=ais
Where to Get Free Maps -
Music by Epidemic Sound -
Monday Maps -
Tuesday Tools -
#adobeaftereffects #maps #indianajones
What I Used in this Tutorial -
Adobe After Effects -
Cool Tools -
Envato Elements -
GEOlayers 3 -
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