EDIT IN: Zomg. Trisha trollin in here. Look at La KAI comin up with this epic piece of ’s just too damn..... epic ;A ; Yeah we got it. But oh well. Just take a second glimpse: Perfect and frist legit DMV of AU Sakura & original Sasuke. KAI YOU TAPPED IT // without knowing! How much can you pwn? Harcore OTP Attack ☆ // uniqueness 100 % // EDIT OUT.
OMG GUYS. THIS IS FINALLY DONE. FINALLY. I’d wanted to do this amv since before I left for France. And now it’s done. And I love it. It’s my first
18 hours ago 00:15:57 4
Зачем элитке развитие страны?! Удержание власти и контроль над собственностью!
20 hours ago 00:00:52 1
Тот самый рецепт БУЛОЧЕК как ПУХ невероятно вкусные и очень мягкие!