Song - Tourner dans le vide - Elisabetta di Wittelsbach and Francesco Giuseppe I d’Austria
The story :
The series tells the story of the life of Elisabeth of Bavaria, Empress of Austria-Hungary, nicknamed Sissi, freely inspired in a historical key with strong hints of modernity and anachronisms .
 The action begins in the teens of the future empress.
Script : Brigitte Müller
Performers and characters
Dominique Devenport: Sissi
Jannik Schümann: Imperatore Franz Joseph I d’Austria
David Korbmann: Conte Karl Ludwig von Grünne
Désirée Nosbusch: Arciduchessa Sophie
Tanja Schleiff: Contessa Esterházy
Julia Stemberger: Duchessa Ludovika in Baviera
Pauline Rénevier: Duchessa Helene “Néné“ in Baviera
Marcus Grüsser: Duca Max Joseph in Baviera
Giovanni Funiati: Conte Andrássy
Paula Kober: Fanny
Yasmani Stambader: Bela / Lajos Farkas
Lasse Möbus: Conte Richard
Romy Schroeder: Marie
Marie Sophie von Reibnit