Hogwarts Legacy PC Performance Test
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I’ve turned down some of the demanding graphics settings, which greatly reduce performance but have minimal impact on the visuals. My best settings will provide nearly the same visual fidelity as Ultra, but with way more stability and better framerate. Also keep in mind that, the game almost eats 24 GB of RAM at 1080p ultra settings, so the performance will be lower if you have 16 GB or less RAM. btw, I’m using nvidia DLSS quality rather than native resolution because native has “TAA“ blur issues similar to RDR2, and DLSS quality looks better than native with % sharpness !!
00:00 1080p Ultra (Free Roam) RT OFF - DLSS OFF
01:30 1080p Ultra (Combat) RT OFF - DLSS OFF
02:30 1080p Ultra (Free Roam) RT OFF - DLSS Quality
04:00 1080p Ultra (Combat) RT OFF - DLSS Quality
05:00 1080p Ultra (Free Roam) RT Ultra - DLSS Quality