Японские голоса принцесс Диснея-2

伊東恵里 Ito Eri 1992 Beauty and the Beast (29 years) 1997 Beauty and the Beast: The Enchanted Christmas (34 years) (1998 Beauty and the Beast: Belle’s Magical World (35 years)) 1998 Mulan (singing) (35 years) 2004 Mulan 2 (singing) (41 years) 麻生かほ里 Aso Kaori 1993 Aladdin (26 years) 1994 Aladdin TV Series (27 years) 1994 The Return of Jafar (27 years) 1996 Aladdin and the King of Thieves (29 years) 2007 Disney Princess Enchanted Tales (40 years) 土居裕子 Doi Yuko 1995 Pocahontas (37 years) 1998 Pocahontas II: Journey to a New World (40 years) すずきまゆみ Suzuki Mayumi 1998 Mulan (speaking) (28 years) 2004 Mulan 2 (speaking) (34 years)
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