People In Camera Beware - Other Items Share This Title (1946)

Title reads: “People in Camera“. Cornwall. Various shots of the Cornish Gorsedd procession to Perran Round. Men and women in procession wear Druidic robes and head-dresses. C/U of Arch Druid Grwys of Wales walking in procession. M/S of new bards being initiated into the Order. High angled shot of the ceremony in progress. West Bromwich, Birmingham, West Midlands. Victory Thanksgiving Parade. War veterans of both the First and Second World Wars march past Admiral Naismith Dunbar Naismith, who takes the salute. M/S of war memorial. Various C/Us of the war veterans as they take part in a drum head service in Dartmouth Park. Panning shot of the Drum Head service. Atlantic City, United States of America (USA). Elevated shot of the Beauty Parade Procession along the main street of Atlantic City. Various shots of beauty Queens mounted on gaily decorated carnival floats riding along the main street. The girls represent different American states and are competing for title of Miss Ameri
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