15 Dog and Cat Idioms! Increase English Fluency with Animal Idioms!

It’s a dog eat dog world so get ahead of the pack by increasing your English fluency. If you’re ready to work like a dog, I’ll let the cat out of the bag on some animal idioms! In today’s English lesson you are going to learn 15 dog and cat idioms! First, this lesson reviews what an idiom is. An idiom is a collection of words that put together, create a new, non-literal meaning. For example ’it’s raining cats and dogs’ does not actually mean that dogs and cats are falling from the sky. We use the idiom, the expression, ‘it is raining cats and dogs’, to describe the fact that there is a lot of heavy rain. In today’s English lesson you will learn 15 dog and cat idioms including: 1. Don’t be a Copycat 2. Work like a Dog 3. You’re such a Scaredy-cat 4. Sick as a Dog 5. Take a Catnap 6. Let sleeping Dogs lie 7. Curiosity killed the Cat 8. It’s a Dog eat Dog world 9. Fight like Cats and Dogs 10. Cat got your tongue?
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