Made by the famed Jam Handy Organization, a leading educational and training film company, this black & white training film “Doping Techniques“ explains the process of doping fabric for airplanes. It likely dates to the WWII era. Aircraft dope is a plasticized lacquer that is applied to fabric-covered aircraft. It tightens and stiffens fabric stretched over airframes, which renders them airtight and weatherproof, increasing their durability and lifespan. Without the application of dope, fabric coverings lacked durability while being highly flammable, both factors rendering them far less vi
Opening: Doping Techniques (:06-:35). A U.S. Navy Stearman type biplane lands. The plane on the tarmac. Two are shown handling fabric. A man blows smoke through fabric, water is poured into fabric and it leaks through. A man in Navy dress applies a coat of dope and sands it as well on pieces of the plane as its being built. The first coat of dope is being brushed onto the metal (:36-2:13). Tape is used after to ensureShow more