The Lore of Giants and Jinn

Ray shares accounts of supernatural experiences and ancient folklore from Afghanistan, including his father’s eerie discovery of a massive footprint near a river, hinting at the presence of giants. These stories, often dismissed as superstitions, intertwine with personal anecdotes, such as Ray’s father witnessing peculiar rituals near caves, believed to be offerings to giants or entities known as “Jinns.“ He explores his family history, revealing his uncle’s ambiguous past, possibly linked to intelligence work, and a life marked by encounters with the unexplained. Additionally, Ray explores the concept of “acid lickers,“ mythical creatures from Islamic eschatology, believed to emerge from the earth during the end times. Through personal reflections and shared folklore, the account portrays a world where the boundaries between the known and the unknown blur, inviting you to consider the possibility of ancient mysteries lingering in the modern world. AFFILIATES Get your
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