“Wish You Were Here“ Guitar Solo Lesson - Pink Floyd

Book your first complimentary 1-on-1 guitar lesson with Nate today! - - If you are having trouble with any area of playing the guitar, book a private video lesson with me. The first one is complimentary, so there is no risk. - If you haven’t signed up for the full complimentary Guitar Foundations course, do that here. It makes for a much more cohesive experience. - Purchase a copy of the Guitar Foundations EBook too. It’s a perfect companion for the videos and it will help you progress faster. *If you’ve purchased any lifetime courses from me in the past, you can just email me your receipt at nate@ and I’ll send you the Ebook for free! - Strings, Picks, and Accessories That We Use: Acoustic Strings - D’Addario EJ16 Li
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