Five Wild Rastakhan Decks! | Hearthstone | [Rastakhan’s Rumble]

It’s only been five days since Rastakhan’s release, and the resilient Wild meta has seen the introduction of new and exciting archetypes. From Gonk Druid to Molten Aggro Paladin, these emerging archetypes have the opportunity to shake up the ladder to greater extremes than Wild has seen before. Take a look at some of Wild’s latest innovations, and try some of them out with the codes linked below! Slizzle466’s Molten Aggro Paladin - AAEBAZ8FBvIFsQjZrgKRvAK5wQLOhwMMpwWoBdQF3ArqD 0P w 4xwLjywL40gL70wLPiQMA
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