Power On KC-390 Hungarian Air Force/ Power On KC-390 Força Aérea Húngara - YouTube

The first KC-390 Millennium multi-mission aircraft produced for the Hungarian Air Force was powered on for the first time. The power on proved that the electrical system primary distribution is already completed and operational. With the power on stage achieved, the final assembly can evolve to the installation of more systems preparing the aircraft for the flight tests. This KC-390 unit is part of the contract signed with the Hungarian government for two aircraft to support the process of strengthening the capabilities of the Hungarian Defense Forces. . A primeira aeronave multimissão KC-390 Millennium produzida para a Força Aérea Húngara foi ligada pela primeira vez. O “power on” comprovou que o sistema elétrico de distribuição primária está concluído e operacional. Com esta etapa concluída, a montagem final pode evoluir para a instalação de mais sistemas preparando a aeronave para os ensaios em voo. Esta unidade do KC-390 faz parte
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