Barry Sisters - Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn

Barry Sisters - Vi Ahin Zol Ikh Geyn Vi ahin zol ikh geyn? Ver kon entfern mir? Vi ahin zol ikh geyn? Az farshlosn s’yede tir S’iz di velt groys genug Nor far mir iz eng un kleyn Vi a blik kh’muz tsurik S’iz tsushtert yede brik Vi ahin zol ikh geyn? Dort ahin vel ikh geyn In mayn land vus iz fray Dort ahin vel ikh geyn Boyen veln mir oyf dos nay A land vu yidishkayt blit Leybn vet dort fray der yid Yisrael unzer heym Der yid leibt fray un ayngeneym Dort ahin vel ikh geyn Where exactly should I go? Who can tell me Where exactly should I go? When every door is locked There’s a world that is big enough But for me it is tight and small In a blink I must return back But every bridge is destroyed Now I know where to go? I will go there To my country that is free I will go there We will build it all over A country where Jewish life blossoms Wher
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