Burial - Friday Night (Live at the Bierkeller in Bradford, UK, 1983)

In 1983, a small cottage industry style video label was born specialising in releasing live footage of second-wave punk bands. Within a couple of years they had become the biggest independent producers of music home video in Europe. The company was Jettisoundz and, for a decade, they drove vans the length and breadth of the British Isles seeking out raw talent to record on videotape. In 1983 they produced what was to become the first ever document of the 80s punk scene; a video that was to become a cult favourite and a bench mark for everything similar that followed. In spite of the low production values they captured something that no amount of high-grade glossy video-clip-production has ever managed. the spirit of the times. Released for the first time on DVD, the original Punk on the Road has been extensively updated and enhanced, with the inclusion of tracks selected from the Jettisoundz, Visionary, Cherry Red and Barn End archives, that bring it spitting and screaming into the 21st Century.
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