It seemed we were in another area and I heard someone crying. We
came upon a young girl. She had dancing flames around her, and in and out of
her. Worms were crawling in and out of her as well. She was a young teenager.
She was dancing through the air and screaming: “I want out of here. I will be
good. I’ll go to church.“
Like young people today she never really went to church, although she
knew of Jesus. She had went to some things. Events and such, but she never
gave her heart to the Lord. No salvation and no repentance.
She enjoyed going to worldly movies and parties. She went with her
boyfriend. She was always thought of as a pretty nice girl who liked being on the
go. Her life was snuffed out in an accident and she did not have time to get right
with God.
As we continued walking the angel told me that the Lord gives everyone
chances. But some like this soul didn’t use time wisely, and her time ran out.
This girl was very young, she partied almost all the time. Hung out with
her friends. Dated a boy from school, which was forbidden by her parents. Her
parents made her attend church and go to christian youth events, but nothing
ever entered her mind to have a relationship with the Lord. She was a nice
person, pretty and active in school. When ever her friends wanted to do things
and hangout, she was almost always right there. She had one christian friend
that would invite her to a bible studies. But she had only went a handful of times.
Her thinking was she would maybe do that later, she was young, and she had
plenty of time.
But one Friday night, her, the boyfriend and a couple girl friends decided
to go cruising. She was spending the night at a friend’s house so her parents
wouldn’t know what they were doing, and her friend’s parents would be asleep.
So the girls snuck out, met her boyfriend and left. They decided just to go
out in the country where traffic was limited. They had liquor in the car, something
she didn’t know was part of their plans. No one had mentioned it, but apparently
everyone else knew. The boyfriend had already been drinking. So he was pretty
much weaving on the road when he decided to speed things up. As he began to
pick up speed the car started rocking back and forth across the road and as the
car came around a sharp curve it went off the side. They hit a huge tree, killing
all of them instantly. She next found herself coming through like a tunnel and
she was scared. She realized this was it. Her young life was snuffed out, plus
she was in hell. She knew that the worst part was the regret. She wished she
had listened to her parents and her one best christian friend that tried to warn
Her regret and tears were almost too much for me and I asked the angel
to just take me out of here. But the angel said “It is so important for you to listen
and see what the Lord wants to show you, so others are warned.“
Note- The regret was so horrible to be replayed over and over again by
demons, as this is how they use this kind of pain to inflict on someone.
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