Revelation 22 (Fully Illustrated)

To follow our :// The Third Temple destroyed Revelation 22 ends Mystical Bible’s series on the Book of Revelation. We pray the series is and will continue to be a blessing to you and those who are in your care. Please join with us in prayer as the days spoken of in this series of videos plays out in real life. The world is now passing through transition in preparation for the revelation of the man of sin. The hours of transition, will be short, but very difficult. Jesus has told us in Revelation 12 that the woman (church) will pass through, but not escape, the revelation and reign of the Antichrist. However, Jesus has also assured us that He will protect and supply for His bride during the 1260 days of Great Tribulation which the Antichrist will unleash upon the world. 2022 will be a portentous year for God’s children and the world, please remember as the darkness deepens, the Keys of the Kingdom were given specifically for this time in world history, use them, live them and make them a part of your very being, for they are alive, very much alive. They open the way into the wilderness of the spirit to all that believe. The reign of Satan in the visage of the Antichrist is only a speck in time compared to the rule and reign of Jesus. Look up for our redeemer draws nigh. Very soon, the darkness will disappear as the Son of Righteousness comes in the clouds to take His beloved bride away. Hold fast that which thou hast that no man take thy crown. To contact us please write to: contact@
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