WHICH FIRST EMOTIONS DO WINNERS FEEL AFTER THE GRAND FINAL? —————————————————- The first emotions after awarding of our beauty s

WHICH FIRST EMOTIONS DO WINNERS FEEL AFTER THE GRAND FINAL? —————————————————- The first emotions after awarding of our beauty show @ missussruk are the most sincere and true! You can be sure of this by listening to an interview with the beautiful winner of 2Vice Miss USSR MONACO - Julia Rebenok. Beauties know the secret key to getting the crown. 😌 How to choose the right strategy? How to behave in a team with the other participants? All the tips Julia told in this video. Save it! Because it will be useful for you to win the main title of the queen next season! By the way, have you applied? If not, please, click on a direct link in the header of our profile 😉 ————————————————- Какие они: первые эмоции после Гранд Финала? Что испытывают победительницы? Первые эмоции после награждения и завершения кульминационной части нашего шоу красоты @ missussruk - самые искренние и неподдельные! В этом ты можешь убедиться, прослушав интервью прекрасной победительницы 2Vice Miss USSR MONACO - Юлии Ребенок. Красав
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