ROYAL / JAPAN: Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan visits Manchester Ship Canal (1921)

GAUMONT GRAPHIC NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit Crown Prince Hirohito of Japan visits Manchester Ship Canal. Full Description: ENGLAND, Manchester Ship Canal: EXT GV decorated ship, the Japanese Royal Yacht (?) in bay fires salute. SV Steamer approaching ship. SV flags (bunting) decorating mast head of Japanese ship, TILT down, Japanese flag flying from stern SV long line of Japanese and England naval officers and dignitaries stepping on board ship Low Angle shotmast head TILT DOWN to big naval guns and crew lined up below LS Crown Prince Hirohito and party of Japanese and English officers walking along deck. SV cameramen positioning their tripods on board deck. SV Japanese sailors stand to attention as officers step down from ship. SV officers stepping up on board deck. Japanese sailors standing by, at attention. SV Two British officers standing on board deck. LS
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