Time To Remember - Time Of The Suffragettes 1911 - 1913 - Record E - Reel 2 (1911)
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Reel 2.
01:13:35 Part Two opening titles “Time Of The Suffragettes“.
01:13:44 Crowd of people marching. Closer shot of the march. They are marching for the Suffragette movement - interesting to note that there are men marching as well as women. Banner reads ’Fortune Faces The Brave’. Another banner bares a picture of Mrs Pankhurst. Lots of women march. One group of women are dressed in academic cap and gown. Three women on horseback in street - they appear to be dressed for fox hunting.
01:14:15 L/S New York skyline. Ferry moves across the river in the foreground. Street scenes from New York. Lots of early motor cars and horse drawn vehicles in the streets. Woodrow Wilson talking to a group of men. Wilson moves up to speak at podium. Men in front of crowd hold Stars and Stripes American Flag. C/U side shot of Wilson addressing meeting. Franklin D. Roosevelt speaking to meeting outside
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