Straining For Training (1938)

Note: Location of the events are unknown. Full titles read: “STRAINING FOR TRAINING“ L/S’s of several young women standing in line, they all bend backwards and arch their back. L/S of two young girls holding onto a bar flicking their legs backwards high into the air under the watchful eye of the male instructor (he sounds French). L/S of the man pushing one of the girls legs in the air towards her face ! The commentator says that the circus members “have to practise until they all but drop“. Several more shots of the girls in training. M/S of a man picking a little girl up by her feet and raising her into the air. M/S of the a man and girls tap dancing. M/S of the trainer appearing to be walking on a treadmill, however, the camera pans down to reveal that he is actually massaging a girls bottom with his feet ! M/S’s of a gymnast performing several twists and turns. Several shots of trapeze artist in training. One man holds another by the a thick cord by his mouth and spins him around with his han
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