JUGGLE - Pedro Gouveia vs. José Lima

Haven’t made any video lately because I had (and still have) a knee injury made in a Kung Fu practice. I still can’t walk and I’m tired of not being able to juggle, now that I’m not in constant pain anymore I thought it would be the right time to start practicing some new stuff. About Pedro Gouveia, I met him in real life yesterday and was very surprised by the variety of 3 ball tricks he could do. He practices completely different stuff from what I do, from rubinstein revenge to miil’s mess variations. Therefor, being a total noob at those things I decided to start a game of JUGGLE with him.... The restrictions are: only 3 ball tricks, no body throws and for now, no tricks that require high throws or that can’t be done while sitting. About the trick, I’m totally new to boxes, always hated them because I’ve never been able to make any progress with them, this should be a good opportunity to start practicing them. About my last game of JUGGLE, I assume that Pa
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