Chlo Grace Moretz for the #LVPreFall20 Book Club | LOUIS VUITTON

No more secrets. Chloë Grace Moretz reads from Nicolas Ghesquière’s international bestseller, “Secret Sister”, an epic sci-fi mystery where only one sister will be crowned queen. Join #LouisVuitton’s Fictional #LVPrefall20 Book Club via link in bio. Join Louis Vuitton’s Fictional Pre-Fall 2020 Book Club at ABOUT LOUIS VUITTON Since 1854, Louis Vuitton has placed fashion in the context of culture bringing unique designs to the world, combining innovation with style and uncompromising quality. Today, the Maison remains faithful to the spirit of its founder, Louis Vuitton, who invented a genuine “Art of Travel” through luggage, bags and accessories which were as creative as they were elegant and practical. Still haven’t subscribe to Louis Vuitton on YouTube? ► CONNECT WITH LOUIS VUITTON Discover more on: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: #LOUISVUITTON #LVPreFall20 #NicolasGhesquiere #ChloeGraceMoretz
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