The Ocean Is Deeper Than You Think. We Need Better Maps.

Why deep sea maps are SO BAD (and how to fix it)... Get an exclusive Surfshark deal! Enter promo code CLEO for an extra 3 months free at Subscribe to support optimistic tech content on Huge If True: Check out @johnnyharris for independent journalism that will help you better understand the world: Our maps of the ocean are surprisingly bad! On Google Maps it looks like we know so much… but we know less about the ocean floor than we do the surface of Mars. And that’s a big problem, because we are using the ocean all the time: We’re laying internet cables across it, we fight wars in it, we search it during a crisis - like the imploded OceanGate Titan submersible or the missing Malaysia Airlines Flight 370. 71% of the surface of the Earth is water! And yet we have a surprisingly limited view of what’s below it. But that’s also understandable. Because cartographically speak
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