Glycyrrhiza echinata grows on the banks of the Volga in Volgograd at the end of July 2021
Glycyrrhiza echinata is a species of flowering plant in the genus Glycyrrhiza, with various common names that include Chinese licorice, German licorice, and hedgehog licorice, Eastern European licorice, Hungarian licorice, and Roman licorice. It is used as a flavoring and medicinally, and to produce Russian and German licorice.
Licorice bristle is a perennial herb, endowed with open or raised stems. The height of such a plant will fluctuate between fifty and one hundred thirty centimeters. The leaves of licorice bristly are petiolate and they are endowed with three to six pairs of leaves. Such leaves, in turn, will be either obovate or elliptical in shape, at the very base they are narrowed, and at the apex they are most often endowed with a short cusp, while the length of the leaves will not exceed forty-five millimeters. The bracts of this plant will be lanceolate and early decaying. The inflorescence itself is almost spherical, dense and capitate. The length of bristly licorice flowers reaches ten millimeters, they will be almost sessile and painted in violet-blue tones. The calyx, in turn, is endowed with rather wide teeth, and the beans will be tightly bored, elliptical or ovoid in shape, they are in dense spherical heads, in the upper part they are densely set by means of spines, and the length of such beans will not exceed sixteen millimeters.
Blossoming of bristly licorice occurs in the second half of the summer period. Under natural conditions, this plant is found in the Crimea, the Caucasus, Moldova, the Dnieper region and the Carpathians in Ukraine, the Verkhnetobolsk region of Western Siberia, as well as the following regions of the European part of Russia: Lower Volga, Prichernomorsky, Zavolzhsky, Lower Don and Verkhnedonsky. For growth, licorice bristle prefers meadows, river and river valleys, banks of ditches, oxbows and lakes, as well as the edges of fields.
Licorice bristly is endowed with very valuable healing properties, while for medicinal purposes it is recommended to use the roots and herbs of this plant. Grass includes flowers, stems and leaves. The presence of such valuable medicinal properties should be explained by the content of carbohydrates and related compounds in the roots of this plant: pectins, mannitol, sucrose, glucose, starch, spol, medicarpine pterocarpans, flavonoids of vestitol, liquiditin and liquiditenin, nitrogen-containing compounds, organic acids of tartaric, malic, succinic, fumaric, oxalic and citric, triterpenoids in the hydrolyzate of isoequinic, echinic, isomacesonic and macedonic acids.
Actually, it should be noted that the roots of licorice bristly were used similarly to the roots of licorice naked. Such medicinal agents are used as expectorant and enveloping agents for various respiratory diseases. A decoction, prepared on the basis of the roots of licorice bristly, is indicated for use in bladder cancer. In China, the root powder of this plant is used for carcinomatous wounds. It is noteworthy that during the experiment it was proved that the extract of the roots of this plant has the ability to manifest antifungal and antitumor activity, and the phenolic fraction will also exhibit antibacterial activity.
In Crimea, infusion and decoctions, prepared on the basis of the aerial part of bristly licorice, are used for dermatoses. A decoction based on the seeds of this plant is indicated for use in gastrointestinal colic. In addition, the roots of licorice bristly have the ability to stain tissues in red-brown and dirty yellow tones.
甘草鬃是豆科植物之一,在拉丁語中,這種植物的名字發音如下:Glycyrrhiza echinata L。至於甘草鬃的家族名稱,在拉丁語中是這樣的:Fabaceae Lindl . (豆科Juss.)。
剛毛甘草開花發生在夏季的後半段。在自然條件下,這種植物分佈於烏克蘭的克里米亞、高加索、摩爾多瓦、第聶伯河地區和喀爾巴阡山脈、西西伯利亞的上托博爾斯克地區以及俄羅斯歐洲部分的以下地區:伏爾加河下游、普里切諾莫爾斯基、 Zavolzhsky、Lower Don 和 Verkhnedonsky。為了生長,甘草鬃更喜歡草地、河流和河谷、溝渠、牛軛和湖泊以及田野邊緣。