Beyond God - Cronos (lyrics in description)
Featuring Live Performance of “Cronos“
TikTok @beyondgod
Orchestration by: Ferry Guns & Erik van Ittersum
Performed by:
Meryl Foreman
Ferry Guns
Dennis Winkel
Mariusz Krawitowski
Music by:
Beyond God Band
Video Production, Edited, and Sound Engineering by:
Mariusz Krawitowski
Additional Sound Engineering by:
SoundCrest Studio
(Lyrics by Dennis Winkel, Meryl Foreman & Yuri Foreman)
A rumble starts below
Light shimmers all around
Time splits and flows
One river became two
The present starts to turn
The future starts to burn
The past is torn away
No time, no space, no path to go
A rumble starts below
A rumble starts below
As I look down, I know I’ll never be free
The eyes of Cronos gaze ba