Walking Star Wars Droid Prototype

AD: Go to: try PVcase for free! A number or people have sent me various videos of the new Star Wars Droids walking around Disney’s Galaxies Edge theme park. These are smallish bipedal Droid characters which are a bit like BD-1 but kind of bigger and with bigger joints, because they aren’t fiction. The robot I’m going to build in this video will only have four motors. I’m going to ignore four of the hip joints as well, and also simplify the legs so we just end up with something that’s a bit like tipping a box onto its corners without its body being able to translate directly sideways. I am however going to walk on feet with edges to pivot sideways, so no big feet this time around. If this works ok then I can move on to build something more advanced in a future video with a head and the missing joints. Thanks to ROBOTIS for the Dynamixel servo: Check out: This servo is: CAD
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