Guerrilla Radio - Rage Against the Machine / Cover by Yoyoka, 10 year old

I am a 10 year old Japanese drummer, Yoyoka. Rage Against The Machine is the band I’m addicted to now💗 I was happy to know that Rage Against The Machin is back‼️ I love their music and messages🔥 Please watch it🤗 #RageAgainstTheMachine #RATM #GuerrillaRadio #TomMorello #BradWilk #Zack #TimCommerford #レイジ #ゲリラレディオ ✨YOYOKA Website✨ ✨I released a song called “Bicycle” that I wrote at the age of 8!✨ Please download and listen to it ! ◉iTunes 自
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