@realdlhughley 🚨 PSA 🚨 YOU CAN HAVE: BLACK CHILDREN, A BLACK HUSBAND, A BLACK WIFE, A BLACK MOTHER, A BLACK FATHER, A BLACK GRANDPARENT, BLACK COUSINS, BLACK AUNTS AND/OR UNCLES, BLACK FRIENDS.... AND👏🏾STILL👏🏾BE👏🏾RACIST👏🏾AF👏🏾!!! EXHIBIT A - #STEPHANIEDENARO 👍🏻 #TeamDL #racist #racism #whiteprivilege #nottoday #Repost @michaelrapaport with @make_repost ・・・ Has there ever been a Serial Karen before? If I was this dumb I wouldn’t be so open about it. @sidetalknyc 🏴‍☠️🏳️🏴‍☠️🏴 @justmia0311 Can y’all please stop posting this Itch. You are giving her everything she wants. I think I’m just gonna have to Start blocking everyone who post her @_kitty_catt_ 🤡
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