NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO | 30 DAYS of CHANTS S2 - DAY8 | Mantra Meditation Music by Meditation Mind

NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO - Welcome to Day 8 of 30 Days of Chants Season 2. We meditate with a Powerful Buddhist Mantra today. Nam Myoho Renge Kyo. This Mantra describes the essence of Buddhism - the conviction that we have within us at each moment the ability to overcome any problem or difficulty that we may encounter in life; a capacity to transform any suffering. Join us in 30 DAYS of CHANTS journey and get updates on daily uploads by subscribing here It is said that Music has power to heal, to calm mind, we have all experienced it. But when we combine music with the sound of our chants, we enhance the effect of music 1000 times. The sound, the vibration of our own voice send these healing vibrations throughout our body. MANTRA MEANING ~ NAM MYOHO RENGE KYO ~ Nam comes from the Sanskrit namas, meaning to devote or dedicate oneself. Myo can be translated as mystic or wonderful, and ho means law. This
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