1 Hour of Dark & Powerful Viking Music

One hour of epic dark and powerful Viking music by Danheim. Take a journey back to the Viking age, and experience the atmosphere, our ancestral gods, Norse mythology, and Scandinavian heritage. 1 Hour of Danish/Scandinavian/Norse Viking music by Danheim. You can buy or listen to my music here: iTunes: Bandcamp: Spotify: On Physical CD via amazon: =sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1510150398&sr=1-1&dpID=61cb2SkO3pL&preST=_SY300_QL70_&dpSrc=srch - remember to select Audio CD. You can also support me by buying my merchandise & clothing here: About Danheim Danheim is an intense and mysterious Danish Viking music project, inspired by old Scandinavian instruments and sounds blended with modern digital ways
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