Burkina Faso Army Receives Emirati-Made Isotrex Phantom MRAP Faso Receives Emirati-Made MRAP Vehicles. The Burkina Faso army has received a shipment of Emirati-made Isotrex Phantom mine-resistant ambush-protected (MRAP) vehicles, according to images circulating on social media. The vehicles are believed to have been acquired from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), a close ally of Burkina Faso. The Phantom is a 4×4 MRAP that is designed to protect its occupants from mines, improvised explosive devices (IEDs), and small arms fire. It is equipped with a V-shaped hull that deflects the blast from mines and IEDs, and it has a crew compartment that is armored to withstand gunfire. The Phantom is also equipped with a variety of other features, such as run-flat tires and a fire suppression system. The acquisition of the Phantom MRAPs is a significant boost to the Burkina Faso army’s capabilities. The vehicles will help to protect soldiers from the many threats they face, including the ongoing terrorist insurgency in the country. The images of the Phantom MRAPs also come at a time of heightened tensions between Burkina Faso and the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS). ECOWAS has threatened to intervene militarily in Niger, an ally of Burkina Faso, over the country’s recent coup d’état. Burkina Faso has declared that any attack on Nigerien soil would be considered an attack on its own territory. 2. Chad receives Nimr MCAV-20 Calidius armoured vehicles from UAE. The military cooperation pact was one of several bilateral agreements signed between the two countries. The UAE has sent a shipment of military vehicles and security equipment to the Republic of Chad, to support its capabilities in combatting terrorism and enhancing border protection. 3. New Niger’s Prime Minister Zeine’s Surprise Visit to Chad: Strengthening Regional Ties. In a surprising diplomatic move, Niger’s military-appointed civilian Prime Minister, Ali Mahaman Lamine Zeine, paid an unexpected visit to neighboring Chad on Tuesday. The visit drew immediate attention, as it comes at a critical juncture in the region’s politics, especially after the recent military intervention in Niger. During his visit, Zeine met with Chadian President, Mahamat Idriss Deby Itno, to discuss various pressing matters. 4. Niger’s junta invites Mali and Burkina Faso to aid its defense, asks the French ambassador to leave
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