Cold Peace? The Next Stage of EU-Russia-Relations

Moscow’s latest mili­tary threats against Ukraine, Alexei Navalny’s ongoing prison ordeal and the recent public humi­lia­tion of EU foreign policy chief Borrell show clearly how Russia is attacking Euro­pean values. During our online dis­cus­sion on 22 April, we want to analyze how the EU should respond to recent deve­lo­p­ments and discuss pos­si­ble sce­n­a­rios for the future rela­ti­ons­hip between Moscow and the EU. Par­ti­ci­pants: ▪️ Vla­di­mir Kara-Murza, Boris-Nemtsov-Foundation ▪️ Johann Wade­phul, Deputy chair­man of CDU/​CSU par­lia­men­tary group in the Bun­des­tag, deputy member of the foreign affairs, defense and EU committees ▪️ Fran­ziska Brant­ner, Chief Whip of the Green Party par­lia­men­tary group in the Bun­des­tag, senior Green Party member of the EU committee ▪️ Pavlo Klimkin, Ukrainian Institute for the Future, Former Foreign Minister of Ukraine (2014 - 2019) ▪️ Marie­luise Beck, Center for Li
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