2024-01-27 _ My diplomatic raising up now mistaken identity with false police handling question DJF
Ich muss warnen, nun verstehe ich, dass man mich schon sehr lange (auch gegen deutsche Gesetze) mit modernen Radartechniken, die jeden sich nähernden Besuch erkennen, “beschattet“, ich benötige finanzielle Hilfe, um diesem Staats-kriminellen Treiben (denn ich war immer streng zivil) Einhalt zu bieten. Das Arzt- und Juristen-System scheint hier nicht richtig zu funktionieren? Hat man mich schon seit Jahrzenten verwechselt mit Kriminellen?
Ich schreibe -Englisch, weil ich Hilfe aus meiner Kinderzeit benötige, ich drohe finanziell einzugehen. es kann sein, dass “Brüder“ gezwungen werden, “unrichtig“ auszusagen, im östlichen Bereich geht es “sehr hart“ zu, was ich auch meiner Mitfahrt-Erfahrung leider bestätigen kann.
Ich muss den Schwur, “ich war wenig im Ausland“ korrigieren, denn ich war in der Tat nicht selbst durch die “Schranken“ der Grenzen, es war teilweise auch Hilfe für Diplomaten (man sollte es vergessen und ich hatte es dann auch nie reflektieren können). Diese Aussage war also zwar “nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen“ aber lückenhaft und heute-objektiv unrichtig. Bitte berücksichtigen.
A description of the peaceful but very much humbling encounter with police and the hospital in 2021, when falsely being handled as a “lunatic“, that was clearly mistaken identity (but why is no one wanting to correct that mistake?) and 5 Euros per day as an excuse are of couse not enough as an offer (were foreign aristocracy being interested of me looking like a “lunatic“, Yogoslavia? where Tito was apparently having known my father from his old military work till the End of .’s career in ~1940? - I need a clean file (medically and in the police and court system as well (!)) again (as being before (!)) BUT most likely even before there were put in false records (was this supposed to be for my “protection“ in Stuttgart? near the U.S. air base (!?)), and I have no interest and need for any “forced therapies“ (not in the past and not in the future). Are some politicians like the renowned (I have no allegations against them right now) Mr. Laschet and Mr. Pistorius (now defese minister of Germany in 2024 (!)) being protected? because they could be harmed somehow - Mr. Pistoris was mayor of Osnabrück for quite a time and then homeland-minister of Niedersachsen (lower saxony)? I am trying to solve this whole case “peaceful“ (without a court case as having “learned“ if in young years looking my mother “over her shoulder“) but can I do that with the good name of my parents (D. Johanna E., Else I.M. and Paul Gerhard and Fritz Johann’s and my grandfather KARL’S names (???)) without their name NOT being harmed? I think that I am working against wind mills right now (but I want to use diplomatic methods (!)), BUT silence is all I get for my asking also in written form to REAL official entities (for example German police, courts and other state entities). Is there still a “mixing up“ of identies - look and listen yourself in this video. Is the “yellow“ submarine still in mind in London (1980 or 1981/82, when I was twelve years of age or a little bit older (?)), it was in Great Britain (where diplomatic networks seemingly were still intact) or was “that submarine“ having another color, “grey“? - I never thought “they in the uboot-industry“ would put my childish ideas “into place“ (apparently they did it several time, but now are not even being interested for formal “hinderances“?) - “my plan“ had to follow all regulations and it was a testing of the alarm system of the NATO (France and GB was part as also Germany, and that submarine was having a new motor and disguise system “installed“ among other new tricks). Why was a boat than afterward ... having a name of my mother . that she was not carrying in the known one (was it a mistake, that that one then was called Charlotte?). . in 2024-01-27
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