Inspection of the Women’s Mechanical Transport Training Corps (WMTTC) in London (1939)

GAUMONT BRITISH NEWSREEL (REUTERS) To license this film, visit The Women’s Mechanical Transport Training Corps being inspected in London by Commandant Coulon (Assistant French Military attache) Full Description: ENGLAND: London: Westminster: Wellington Barracks: EXT COULON, Commandant (Assistance French Military attache in London) Inspects at Wellington Barracks. MILITARY Women’s Military transport corps at Wellington B. WELLINGTON BARRACKS Woman’s Military transport Corps parade WOMEN’S MILITARY TRANSPORT CORPS At Wellington Barracks Home Front World War Two, World War II, WWII, Second World War, war, troops, women, woman Background: The Women’s Mechanical Transport Training Corps being inspected in London by Commandant Coulon (Assistant French Military attache) FILM ID: VLVA3WHF4YYE53JQJ8X7JFN2VYO1F To license this film, visit
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