British Win Ice Skating in Berlin, Germany.
M/Ss of ice skaters Doreen Denny and Courtney Jones, the British couple dancing in the European Free Style Skating competition, they had started to dance and are doing various funny turns, pan with them and they perform a couple of turns in front of the camera. LV. Denny and Jones on the ice completing a turn. C/U of record turning on turn table. M/S Shot of loud speaker. L/S Courtney Jones and Miss Denny dancing in front of camera, they move across rink in unison and start skating backwards.
L/S Couple moving across ice backwards and then performing turns, they turn to face each other, Jones takes Miss Denny’s hands and she twirls round in a crouching position. L/S Couple on the ice turning in a sort of Spanish type step. L/S Couple performing paso doble, Jones turns Miss Denny round and then spins her into his arms, they carry on dancing, the dance finishes and Jones drops onto one knee while holding Miss Denny’s hands. L/S Cameramen. M/S Courtney Jones and