I’m so happy to share that my book - The Cottage Fairy Companion - is now available for pre-order!
Also available at my local bookstore, Trail’s End Books:
Other purchase options (including international) available on my linktree:
why I chose to live alone - rural cottage living
Thank you for the support!
❤️No obligation whatsoever, but if you would like to donate to support this channel $8 will get a thank you postcard (my own art) from me in the mail (please note: you must include address in your note so I can send it!). It is much appreciated:
(Now and then a postcard has been returned to me or lost in the mail. If you have not received a postcard e-mail me at endymionmerrill@! I send them out once a month, so definitely don’t be too worried if it has been a couple weeks but do contact me if you have any concerns. )
Thank you!
My cake was inspired by this recipe, only that I used beetroot food coloring and used both puréed and whole raspberries:
I get questions about why I live alone quite a bit, but recently I got a new wave of messages about this after my most recent video. So, I thought I’d address it and explain that living separately from my fiancé is pretty normal in my experience. My mother is Puerto Rican, and many hispanic families I know don’t see it as strange to live with your own family as an adult or live separately from your boyfriend. I’m not saying that this is the correct way to do things: different cultures, individuals, and groups of people treat relationships differently, while this works for me it doesn’t work for everyone. For example, I always wanted to get married, which isn’t the goal for many, and I completely understand that. I will monitor comments to be sure we are respectful of lifestyle preferences different from our own. I chat about this in detail at the end of this video, hoping to share why I made the choices I did and what I gained from it. It was meaningful to reflect on why I lived this way, and to take what I’ve learned as I begin a new journey in a few months 🌸
Business e-mail: endymionmerrill@
Music by Andres Jacque - Tender Contemplation -
Music by Andres Jacque - Months -
Music by Juan Sánchez - Rebirth -
Additional music found at @
(Get a month free with my referral code)
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