Comparison of Kubernetes Operators for MySQL / Сергей Пронин (Percona)

Приглашаем на Saint HighLoad 2021 20 и 21 сентября 2021, Санкт-Петербург, DESIGN DISTRICT DAA in SPB Программа, билеты и подробности - -------- HighLoad Весна 2021 Крупнейшая профессиональная конференция для разработчиков высоконагруженных систем 17 и 18 мая 2021. Москва, Крокус-Экспо Тезисы и презентация: Running databases in Kubernetes attracts a lot of attention today. Orсhestration of MySQL on Kubernetes is no way a straightforward process. There are several good MySQL based solutions in the open-source world, made by Oracle, Presslabs, and Percona. Having a common base, they differ in self-healing capabilities, consistency guarantees, storage capabilities, monitoring, proxying and backup / restore support, etc. So, let’s make a fair comparison to figure out the pros and cons of their current state.... -------- Нашли ошибку в видео? Пишите нам на support@
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