men and women fact 1 shorts

Hi friends, today our conversation will be about why men don’t want to leave their phone number. 1. Fear of rejection: Many men are afraid that a woman might reject them if they leave their phone number. They prefer a woman to take the initiative and ask for the number herself. 2. Principled: Some men believe that the initiative should come from the woman because this balances the roles and preserves a sense of masculinity. 3. Unpleasant experiences: Negative emotional or physical experiences from previous relationships or acquaintances can make a man more cautious and reluctant to leave his number. 4. Lack of trust: A man may not be sure of the sincerity of a woman’s intentions and fears that she may use his phone number for unwanted purposes. 5. Private control: Some men like to have full control over the situation and prefer to take the initiative themselves instead of leaving their contact details. 6. Online Dating: With the growing popularity of online d
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