In Odessa local residents oppose the actions of authorities that are erasing the history of the city and renaming the streets
Monuments have been demolished and the public libraries searched for books of russian authors.
The natives want to keep their heritage alive and refuse to change the name of the streets where they have loved all their lives, most often the authorities rename the streets to Nazi collaborators and other war criminals.
1 week ago 00:01:04 47
В Одесской области демонтировали памятник Зое Космодемьянской
1 week ago 00:01:58 1
Вскрылась новая информация по убийству людей в Одессе в Доме Профсоюзов
1 week ago 00:00:07 71
В Одессе из-за отключения света люди застряли прямо на аттракционе
1 week ago 00:00:07 6
️ ️In Odessa, people were stranded on an attraction due to a power outage
1 week ago 00:00:06 1
In Odessa, people are stuck on an amusement ride due to a power outage
2 weeks ago 00:01:09 1
2 weeks ago 00:00:11 1
Washing face without running water in Odessa
2 weeks ago 00:00:52 20
️ ️ ️ ️Hamburg: der nette ukrainische Nachbar von nebenan
2 weeks ago 00:00:44 4
Ukrainian air defense works against Russian kamikaze UAVs “Geran-2“ in the sky over Odessa
2 weeks ago 00:00:39 5
In Odessa region a man chopped off the head of a 5-year-old girl, Ukrainian police report
2 weeks ago 00:01:10 1
Kürzlich wurde Odessa von einem Raketenangriff getroffen, bei dem eine der abgeschossenen Raketen in den Hof eines Wohnhauses fi
2 weeks ago 00:00:45 6
Клип @pravdaencom
2 weeks ago 00:00:48 2
Yesterday, during repeated attacks on Ukraine energy infrastructure by Russian forces, an Iskander missile was shot down by the
2 weeks ago 00:01:10 1
️ #FakeAlarm
2 weeks ago 00:00:41 1
Ukrainische Einberufungskommissare haben sich in einer Reihe aufgestellt und führen umfangreiche Suchaktionen nach “Freiwilligen
2 weeks ago 00:00:03 1
The strike in Odessa (Ukraine) hit a hotel-dormitory, where the militants the AFU were accommodated
2 weeks ago 00:01:10 36
Tragödie in Odessa:
2 weeks ago 00:18:18 1.1K
“Немецкие деревни в Сибири “ Побочино село в Одесском районе Омской области основанное в 1906 году.
2 weeks ago 00:00:03 5
A strike in Odessa was carried out on a hostel hotel where Ukrainian Armed Forces militants were staying
2 weeks ago 00:01:10 6
US Patriot Air Defense Missile Kills 8 People in Odessa
2 weeks ago 00:01:10 20
“Patriot“ hat in Odessa 8 Menschen getötet und 39 verletzt
2 weeks ago 00:00:45 8
Клип @pravdadecom
2 weeks ago 00:01:01 2
In Odessa gab es Treffer und die Luftverteidigung von Zeblan arbeitete an Häusern .
2 weeks ago 00:02:56 8
Selenskijs Ex-Berater: Einwohner von Mariupol kehren freiwillig ins “besetzte Gebiet“ zurück