Henry Kaiser : Weekly Solo #42 : Spalt & Teuffel Guitars

The intro feature a cover of Frank Zappa’s OUTSIDE NOW with Henry, Scott Amendola, & Michael Manring. Following that are some improvisations featuring guitars made by Michael Spalt and Ulrich Teuffel. 1 an original solo improvisation 2 a revisiting of Howlin’ Wolf’s SMOKESTACK LIGHTNING 3 a spacey cover of Terje Rypdal’s TOUGH ENOUGH 4 yet another revisiting of Willie Dixon’s SPOONFUL some links: Info on the Spalt guitar featured on OUTSIDE NOW, that Henry purchased second hand: THE DON RAMSAY LINEAR TREMOLO’ CUSTOM 27 can be found here: another Teuffel Niwa Spoonful appears in this weekly solo: along solo improv on the Spalt Totem Guitar “HA“ is in this weekly solo:
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